9 a.m.
Opening Remarks
Devendra Mishra, Chief Strategist, MESA & Conference Chair
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9:10 – 9:15 a.m.
Conference Welcome Remarks
Eric Belcher, President & Chief Executive Officer, Cast & Crew Entertainment Services
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9:15 – 9:55 a.m.
Processes, People and Technology: Challenges For Hollywood’s Transformation
The change management challenges of Hollywood’s digital transformation, in terms of people, processes and technologies, have been formidable and ongoing. Successes and failures of the journey will be discussed, with an eye on getting to 2020, where a connected world of about 8 billion people will access content on numerous devices at will. The emerging reality of an extended enterprise which embraces technology enablers and service providers, along with the unprecedented capabilities to deliver in a consumer-driven marketplace, will be examined.
Devendra Mishra, Chief Strategist, MESA & Conference Chair
Sean Flynn, Technology and Security Innovator (Former Chief Technology Officer, Marvel Studios)
Eric Iverson, Chief Information Officer, Creative Artists Agency (CAA)
John Koscheka, Executive Vice President, Digital Manufacturing & Distribution, Twentieth Century Fox
Eliot Sakhartov, Account Technology Strategist, Media & Entertainment, Microsoft
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9:55 – 10:35 a.m.
KEYNOTE: Synthesizing Creativity and Business Success in Hollywood
Inspiring, building and sustaining creativity in the workplace is a founding principal at Pixar. As one of the original story creators at Pixar Animation Studios, this HITS Keynote presentation will provide strategies on how to create a culture that encourages new ideas, nurtures creativity and embraces fear/failing as a necessary part of the creative process. This presentation will demonstrate how to empower relationships and build trust through authentic communication. Story telling that leverages insights from big data is changing everything from content development to corporate culture itself. You’ll learn how big data is being used to create great stories and characters in the increasingly imaginative worlds of the Pixar universe. Experience and insight will be shared on how to empower and inspire creatives as publishers, advertisers and innovators forge stronger, more meaningful connections with consumers.
Matthew Luhn, Story Consultant, Writer and 20 year Pixar Story Veteran
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10:35 – 11:15 a.m.
Hollywood Goes B2C: New Behaviors and Analytics for Consumers
Digital media is transforming Hollywood’s B2B business model to a B2C relationship, offering new business opportunities for studios and networks. What can content holders learn from their retail partners about how to build a title’s fan-base, provide a premium experience, and serve an increasingly mobile customer? How are predictive analytics being effectively used to maximize customer feedback, peer-to-peer sharing, recommendation engines and intent to purchase?
Jerry McGlynn, Strategic Technology Leader (Former Interim Chief Information Officer, Walt Disney Studios)
Allen Duan, Senior Vice President, Corporate Technology, Hearst
Todd Holloway, Director, Content Science and Algorithms, Netflix
Braxton Woodham, Chief Technology Officer, Fandango
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11:15 – 11:45 a.m.
11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
KEYNOTE: STREAMING SHARING STEALING – Big Data and the Future of Entertainment
We’re living through a period of unprecedented technological disruption in the entertainment industries. Just about everything is affected: pricing, production, distribution, piracy. How can companies discover who their customers are, what they want, and how much they are willing to pay for it? Can the entertainment industry and Hollywood establishment overcome big data, piracy and long tail disruption? Or will these challenges implode the legacy model where a few hit-makers once determined tomorrow’s blockbusters? An entertainment analytics expert from Carnegie Mellon University will sound an urgent wakeup call and you’ll learn why data analytics is critical to the growth – and survival – of key players in motion pictures, TV, music and publishing. This HITS Keynote will discuss niche products and the long tail, product differentiation, price discrimination, and incentives for users not to steal content.
Michael D. Smith, Professor of Information Technology and Marketing, Carnegie Mellon University’s H. John Heinz III College
Introduction: David Lee, Senior Vice President, Cast & Crew Entertainment Services
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12:15 – 12:45 p.m.
Self-Service Platform for Advanced Analytics: Built and They Are Coming!
Worldwide, over 200 users within Viacom are addressing their needs for research, program optimization, media planning and digital marketing by easily accessing the advanced analytics platform built in the cloud. Easy-to-use apps enable problem-solvers to seek answers from the repository of business, marketplace and other data which may be internal and external. Democratization of data and scalability have been made possible with high-speed analytical engines combined with powerful visualization tools and intuitive user interfaces. A demonstration will be made of the building blocks of the platform – Quasar, Pathways and Affinity Maps, in order to help make optimum decisions in programming, marketing and distribution of content with the consumer in mind.
Fabio Luzzi, Vice President, Data Science Strategy, Viacom
Chris McGrath, Senior Vice President Data Strategy & Consumer Intelligence, Viacom
Amy Sinensky, Director of Data Science, Insights & Strategy, Viacom
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12:45 – 1 p.m.
Introductions to Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Guy Finley, Executive Director, MESA
1 – 2:15 p.m.
2:15 – 2:55 p.m.
Data Analytics – Converting Elusive Science to Practical Business Applications
Companies’ legacy-driven silos have struggled with understanding the value of data analytics in order to justify investment. Inadequate resources and non-alignment of objectives among the stakeholders of finance, marketing, operations and research have stymied progress in the past. The panel will address how these organizational impediments are being overcome to yield economic value to the overall enterprise.
Rahul Telang, Professor of Information Systems, Carnegie Mellon University’s H. John Heinz III College
Keith Camoosa, Senior Vice President, Consumer Intelligence, Warner Bros.
Dominique Hanssens, Bud Knapp Distinguished Professor of Marketing, UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management
Fabio Luzzi, Vice President, Data Science Strategy, Viacom
Wayne Peacock, Vice President, Analytic Insights & Business Intelligence, The Walt Disney Company
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2:55 – 3:40 p.m.
An Innovator’s Perspective on Data & Analytics
Which technologies do leading Silicon Valley innovators swear by today, that everyone else will use tomorrow? Venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz has invested in some of the leading names in technology, from Twitter, Skype, Facebook, Pinterest, Oculus and a portfolio of over 150 other companies. This session showcases companies whose technology is shaping the future of the content business and define what business intelligence means for your company. Uncover emerging trends in how massive data sets drive business results and hear from cutting-edge companies about how they are reshaping the meaning of analytics for Hollywood!
Roger Dickey, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Gigster
Chrix Finne, Director of Product & Customer Success, SigOpt
Introduction: Naithan Jones, Partner, Andreessen Horowitz
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3:40 – 4 p.m.
#WEdynamic: Human Acceleration is the New Innovation
M&E is changing at an accelerated rate and companies, large and small, are reacting to a fundamental shift in how our customers value our products as they correlate to their individuality. How do we elevate our industry (companies, teams and ourselves) to a new level? By directing collaborative energy and focus toward the most important piece of the puzzle: the human. This session brings innovative companies to the stage who are accelerating human capital and building customer value by incorporating the “human element” such that people and profit are synonymous. They will demonstrate how our collaborative strengths, as individuals, will help create new interactions, authentic experiences and personal fulfillment.
Cameron Kashani, Godmother of Silicon Beach and Founder, CoAccel
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4 – 4:30 p.m. NETWORKING BREAK
4:30 -5:30 p.m.
(Multi-Track Break-Out Sessions)
Industry experts share innovative ideas, processes, or perspectives in an interactive and intimate way with the audience who are free to choose which topic/area they find most interesting. Sessions will address key areas on four separate tracks:
4:30 – 5 p.m.
Digital Disruption and the Entertainment Production Lifecycle
The entertainment industry – film, television, commercials, events and games – has achieved remarkable technological achievements over the past decade. Behind the scenes, however … or, more accurately, in many of the support functions carried out by external specialists … the story is very different. While it’s true that post-production is significantly ahead digitally, pre-production and production tasks have continued to operate in a dated, paper-intensive processing world. Now, however, the industry is driving digital enhancements – and advanced solution delivery – that are being empowered by cloud technology. This session looks at how new technologies not only represent stunning changes in the way support functions are carried out across the entertainment production finance lifecycle, they are creating additional business value for studios, production companies and independents alike.
Eric Belcher, President & Chief Executive Officer, Cast & Crew Entertainment Services
Ken Goldstein, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Cast & Crew Entertainment Services
David Lee, Senior Vice President, Product, Cast & Crew Entertainment Services
Ivana Malcolm, Director, Product Innovation, Cast & Crew Entertainment Services
Scott McMenamin, President, Final Draft
Joe Osnoss, Partner, Silver Lake Partners
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4:30 – 5 p.m.
We Are Humans Not Machines: Uncovering Dark Data to Transform Your Business.
This session reveals how a human approach, taking the jargon that surrounds data and making it human understandable and consumable, leads to increased productivity and efficiency within any business unit. You’ll learn how to leverage your deepest, biggest (and darkest) data in a very simple user experience. You’ll also understand the key principles of “Progressive Disclosure” (show the most meaningful data needed to take action/make a decision), “Never Enter Data” (eliminate requests for data already understood and used), and “Close the Loop” (not just showing users their data but allowing them to take action and finish the task). This HITS breakout is a must-attend for any data-driven executive.
John Motz, Chief Technology Officer, GrayMeta
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5 – 5:30 p.m.
A Further Perspective on Data & Analytics
This session continues the discussion from the main stage presentations and provides deeper perspective on a16z, SigOpt and Gigster’s approach to Media & Entertainment.
Naithan Jones, Partner, Andreessen Horowitz
Roger Dickey, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Gigster
Chrix Finne, Director of Product & Customer Success, SigOpt
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5 – 5:30 p.m.
From an Audience of Millions to an Audience of One: Understanding the Consumer Journey in M&E
Marketing executives responsible for audience acquisition, retention, interaction and monetization need to answer the question of “What makes their audiences respond?” How do entertainment companies tap into consumers’ imaginations, engage an audience and develop a real understanding of what they want? Nowadays, every brand/product/content interaction must be consistent but also personalized and relevant to them. Most companies struggle to blend technologies with data to understand, anticipate and engage each individual as part of a total audience. In this session, we’ll go beyond old school one-to-one marketing and review a Customer Journey Analytic solution that enable marketers to optimize response, conversion rates and recognize what it means to deliver customer satisfaction that drives viewership, fandom and social buzz.
Judy Lee, Senior Business Consultant, Teradata
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