Content Protection Month
A global industry initiative for content protection and content security awareness
What is Content Protection Month?
A coordinated industry-wide initiative to promote security awareness across all business units to educate and enculturate your employees about content protection and security.
Individual events, hosted by CDSA member companies during National Cybersecurity Month, are planned by each company to increase synergy among the various internal security departments. Your “Content Protection Day” is designed to create a unified, company-wide approach to protecting sensitive assets.
Why do we need a Content Protection Day?
The entertainment industry produces more content then ever and the number of individuals, both internally and externally, that handle sensitive content continues to increase.
Now more than ever, studios must defend against the unauthorized access to intellectual property by empowering employees to better understand the risks, process and protocols to engage with their content security representative(s).
Everyone is the Solution Because Everyone is the Problem
With the increase in cloud-based tools and digital workflows, content security has never been more challenged.
Every single person who comes in contact with content or involved in the story telling process is a potential risk of leaking our most valuable assets – even if they don’t intend to.
Most employees want to protect (their jobs and) your company’s content. Content Protection Month will help companies form their own culture and community around content protection and security.
And it all starts on DAY ONE!
Event Goals & Objectives
- To highlight to employees the importance of protecting our assets and educate them on how to do so;
- To raise awareness of our content security and content protection global strategies; and
- To inspire staff to become ambassadors in relation to content protection.
Education is Our Most Powerful Tool
Let’s get everyone involved from:
- Marketing
- Home Entertainment
- Visual Effects
- Finance/Accounting
- Asset Management
- Animation
- Human Resources
- Production
- Corp Comm/PR
- Distribution
It is not just the people who handle the actual content, it is everyone involved who touches ANY and ALL assets:
- Contracts
- Scripts
- Concept Art
- Props/Costumes
- Locations
- E-mails
Content Protection Day educates attendees and builds community within your organization.
Education Can and Should Be Fun!
No one wants to sit through boring lectures and mind-numbing technical presentations.
Your “day” should be designed with “fun” in mind to increase engagement and learning.
Although we are coordinating these one-day education events, content protection and content security is a year-long campaign to remind your teams to stay vigilant and change behaviors to decrease risk and avoid piracy.
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Click here to download the Press Release
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