M+E Daily

HITS Panel to Explore Ecosystem for Metadata

By Lyndsey Schaefer

At the upcoming Hollywood IT Summit (HITS) on May 7 at Pepperdine University in Malibu, a panel of industry experts will share their perspectives on the progress that’s been made in establishing master and metadata standards to better enable digital commerce for the entertainment ecosystem, including use cases and successful implementation strategies.

The panel, “Enhancing and Expanding the Ecosystem for Metadata,” will be comprised of Susan Cheng, Vice President, Supply Chain Planning and Data Governance, Warner Bros. Entertainment; David Kohl, Lead Program Manager, CIMM TAXI Cross-Platform Asset Identification Program; David Pankowski, Director, Engineering Services, Microsoft Corporation; Kip Welch, Vice President – Business Development, Motion Pictures Laboratories; and moderated by Eric Iverson, Vice President, Information Technology, Worldwide Networks, Sony Pictures Television.

The panel will delve into the latest developments from the industry metadata initiatives of DEG, EIDR, EMA, ETC, CIMM and HITS, and will also address the impact that unique identifiers make on existing production and global distribution of digital content. Panelists will also discuss if these industry standards can be leveraged into UltraViolet, streaming and electronic sell-through to develop new business models and revenue streams.

“From targeted advertising to efficiencies and expanding marketplaces to innovative new business models, metadata is the automation engine that makes it all happen,” says Iverson. “Metadata is a billion dollar plus opportunity…and growing,”

Don’t miss this and the many other panels and keynote speakers at HITS. Click here for program information and to register: www.hollywooditsociety.com/malibu-2013