
Iyuno: Remaining Resilient Through Coronavirus (MESA)

With COVID-19 escalating and continuing to impact people and countries around the world, Iyuno teams everywhere are moving to remote work to maximize productivity while also prioritising health & safety.

At Iyuno we are fully committed to our customers. With more governments mandating that organizations encourage their staff to work from home, our teams are making sure they remain as efficient as possible while they work remotely. Our top priority is the health and safety of employees, customers, partners, and communities. By working remotely we are able to continue our work with as many of our people as possible, while simultaneously supporting public health and safety. We are committed to keeping teams constantly connected while they work apart.

While the situation is obviously escalating, we’d like to share that we’re developing alternative methods of production and delivery to combat delays that are being caused by this outbreak. Specifically in countries such as Italy, where the government has mandated a shutdown of all non-essential travel, we immediately reached out to all of our clients and communicated a detailed project status report.

Moving forward, Iyuno will carry on with our operations and continuously communicate and provide client updates in each region for projects in development. If there are new COVID-19 situations emerging in any territory, Iyuno clients will be contacted and receive detailed project status reports as well as an assessment of what projects and materials can still be delivered in-spite of any escalating situation.

Additionally, we are utilizing our local options, and wherever possible, leveraging our global operations and capabilities to circumvent any impacted facilities. We are carefully monitoring all of our territories and we are committed to continuously communicating and updating clients about any potential emerging project delays should they occur across all regions.

Next to the health and safety of our staff, Iyuno business continuity plans are of the highest priority. We will keep exploring alternative options to maintain our delivery schedules and quickly bounce back from any delays caused by this outbreak, such as:
1. Iyuno Alternative Facilities

We will wherever possible leverage our global operations capabilities and our worldwide matrix of facilities.

In hot spot regions, including Korea and Italy, we are working remote with only essential staff in offices.

We will, where necessary and appropriate (together with and subject to local regulations), deploy technology to permit home recording.

2. Iyuno Global Facilities

The decision to transfer business critical functions to facilities beyond the local region will be undertaken on a case-by-case basis.

We will continue to leverage our cloud-based platform to enable Iyuno staff to continue performing their work from home or in quarantine locations.

We’re inspired by the agility and ingenuity that impacted countries, cities, schools, hospitals, and businesses have shown throughout COVID-19, and we are committed to helping our customers everywhere stay connected and productive during this difficult time. We welcome feedback and dialogue with our customers and we are committed to remaining connected and discussing your projects and work priorities.

If you have any questions at all or we can assist you in any way or if you would like to discuss the status of your projects, please contact: [email protected]