M+E Daily

Film Festival Flix Partners With Apple TV

With the official launch of the Film Festival Flix Apple TV app, the platform now offers film festival attendance from home to Apple TV’s estimated 40 million users, in addition to the multiple viewing options the platform already provides.

Countless film festivals, from the large and well-known to the small and niche, have been propelled into the virtual space by the global COVID-19 pandemic. And there’s a silver lining to this shift: a virtual film festival means that anyone with an internet connection can be a part of the audience.

Diversity and inclusion are increasing in film festival audiences, and among film industry influencers, because barriers to participation are not nearly as prevalent in the virtual world as they are “in real life.”

And the availability of festival programming on multiple apps, for multiple devices is key to advancing that participation and growth.

One popular platform, known for hosting niche virtual film festivals of various sizes, is Film Festival Flix. They place an emphasis on connecting audiences and filmmakers through shared backgrounds, identities, and experiences, while at the same time keeping the doors open for anyone to attend.

“If I were an architecture-loving film enthusiast who wants to watch films in my native Spanish dialect—I could find that film festival. If I were a person with autism who is interested in horses—I could find that film festival. And the great thing that happens when people find their film festival is that they find their people in the community of that festival. The filmmakers, the festival runners, they’re involved because it means something to them. Telling the stories or amplifying the stories of people with that particular voice means something to them.”