
Exactuals, MetaComet Systems to Bring Automated Royalty Payments to the Book Publishing Industry

Royalty solutions from MetaComet Systems will now work in tandem with Exactuals’ flagship product, PaymentHub, which manages many forms of complex payments such as residuals, royalties, and marketplaces.

Already widely used in the film/TV and music industries, PaymentHub will now allow book publishers to automate royalty payments with security, accuracy, transparency, and speed, all based on statements automatically generated by MetaComet Systems.

Together, these solutions will enable large and small publishers alike to grow their businesses while operating their royalty departments at scale.

“Metacomet provides an excellent service for calculating royalties in the book publishing space. Exactuals is thrilled to partner with this industry leader to add direct payment and online reporting capabilities to Metacomet’s existing solutions,” said Mike Hurst, CEO of Exactuals. “By collaborating, we are empowering book publishers to explore new opportunities created by the surge in digital entertainment. The result is increased business across the board coupled with fast and accurate payments for authors and other rights-holders.”

“Many book publishers are in growth mode right now, with the pandemic driving a resurgence in reading. As these companies position themselves for a post-COVID world where they are expected to do more with fewer resources, it will be important for them to automate their royalty processes to manage the volume,” said David Marlin, President, MetaComet Systems. “Exactuals brings a trusted payment platform to the book publishing industry that easily works with and complements our solutions, providing a complete set of royalty tools that benefits all book publishers.”