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EIDR, News-Press & Gazette Talk Dynamic Content Switching at SCS

In order to maximize AVOD revenue, streaming companies can look to tailor the viewing experience to the viewer’s interests with both the content and the platform, leading to better personalization, more views and better ad revenues.

Dubbed dynamic content switching, it’s content identification services and technology like ATSC 3.0, the next-gen broadcast that are making this possible today, according to Jim DeChant, VP of technology for News-Press & Gazette Broadcasting, and Richard Kroon, director of technical operations for the Entertainment ID Registry (EIDR), who took part in a discussion on the topic at the recent Smart Content Summit.

“Broadcast has been dealing with ad insertion and content switching, and more recently with the ATSC 3.0 efforts to bridge over-the-air broadcasts and streaming services, bringing broadcasters into the wired world,” Kroon said during the “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Dynamic Content Switching (But Were Afraid to Ask)” presentation. “There are a lot of lessons to be learned there.”

DeChant, an ATSC 3.0 board member, said that his company has been “experimenting with universal advertising IDs and EIDR IDs, and a group of different folks who handle broadcast traffic, content replacement engines, and an automation system that’s IP based that has markers built in, so as we’re playing out clips, a downstream application can recognize what’s being aired based off the IDs, and replacement opportunities can be had,” DeChant said.

And that’s important, Kroon said, because content providers have long struggled to figure out where to say their ads go, and ATSC 3.0 represents an opportunity by platforms to more easily solve that issue.

For live streaming, this dynamic content switching can adjust content to any situation, and for recorded programs, it can match the content encoding to the viewer’s platform and delivery path. The technology allows for targeted advertising to match viewer’s interests while accounting for the surrounding program content and the adjacent advertisements within an ad pod.

“What’s happening and what’s coming up next, those opportunities for content replacement can be realized,” DeChant said. “It’s a nice opportunity for cross-platform switching.”

To view the whole presentation, click here.

The Smart Content Summit was produced by MESA and the Smart Content Council, and is sponsored by Microsoft Azure, Whip Media Group, Richey May Technology Solutions, BeBanjo, Digital Nirvana, Softtek, 24Notion, EIDR, The Quorum and Signiant.