M+E Connections

MESA Member Webinar Week Ahead: June 20-23

Fortinet unveils strategies to securing applications across the cloud, Wasabi brings video surveillance to the edge at the intersection of IT and security, SHI talks security and vendor c consolidation, and MESA’s London community comes together for a night of drinks and discussion.

Those are just a few of the events from the MESA community the week of June 20-23, according to MESA’s global member e-calendar.

Here’s a look at what’s ahead:


• Technicolor Creative Studios Academy hosts “Learn, Create & Grow: Webinar on Compositing.” Join Bhaskarachari Komaragiri, principal trainer at Technicolor Creative Studios Academy for a masterclass on VFX-style compositing for both CG and live-action films. This webinar will provide you with an insight into the wide range of compositing tasks that are carried out by compositors, such as tracking, matte extraction, colour correction, paint fixes, roto, and the integration of CG/2D elements in order to deliver the end result. To support greater diversity in VFX education and careers among the next generation, we encourage artists who are recent graduates of VFX programs from institutes and entry/junior level employees working in production companies to sign up for this webinar.


• Adobe presents “Document Automation Made Easy with Adobe Acrobat Sign.” With the right tools, the power of automation can help you get meaningful time back in your workday. Not just for you, but for your entire team. Adobe will show you how automated document workflows are easy to create in the software you use every day — including Adobe Acrobat Sign, Salesforce, and apps from Microsoft. Our experts will cover topics such as creating accurate, custom agreements in seconds without leaving Salesforce; automating e-signing workflows using Workflow Automation integrated with Microsoft Power Automate; and enhancing document security with Acrobat Sign features. Register today to learn how automating the repetitive tasks in your work routine can save time, minimise errors and business risk, and bolster the security of the documents your business depends on.

• Enjoy a drink with the MESA community in London. Join MESA and its communities of studio technology enthusiasts in London for a cocktail and chat to start your summer off properly. The event will be held 6-8 p.m. at Hop Poles, 17-19 King Street, Hammersmith, London. Register here.


• Wasabi discusses “Bringing Video Surveillance to the Edge at the Intersection of IT and Security.” The digital transformation in the video surveillance industry is generating a new demand among customers processing data closer to the endpoint, or the edge. Local, edge-based management systems bring together the processing, management, storage, and sharing of video data with other relevant technologies consolidating and simplifying the overall deployment and resources. By employing this hyper-converged methodology, surveillance and IT practitioners alike can create solutions focused on simplifying the integration with and management of new and existing technologies while reducing latency and improving security, scalability, and flexibility. How can users embrace this shift towards the hyper-convergence of networking, compute, and storage solutions most efficiently? Join Wasabi Technologies and Scale Computing to understand the benefits of bringing video surveillance to the edge with innovative technology solutions that improve functionality, integration, and performance of deployments at the intersection of IT and security.

• SHI hosts “Streamlining Security: The Pros and Cons of Vendor consolidation.” In today’s world, almost all corporations recognise that the current security tool sprawl is becoming ineffective and resulting in additional risks. Leaders in the cybersecurity space are currently making the case for security vendor consolidation and have found other key cyber vendors to be fellow advocates for the rising consolidation efforts. In this webinar, SHI Security experts will debate the case for and against security vendor consolidation.


• Fortinet tackles “Key Strategies to Securing Application Journeys Across Cloud and Hybrid Cloud.” Many organisations have pushed to rapidly migrate to cloud to achieve digital acceleration of their business. Unfortunately, moving to the cloud quickly has left many dealing with increased operational and deployment complexities, loss of visibility, and increased security risks, particularly in light of skills and resource gaps. These organisations are now also realising that for the best digital acceleration outcomes, their applications should live wherever the most optimal results are achieved. As a result, hybrid cloud will remain a reality for many. And for some, edge compute is becoming an emerging necessity to meet their digital acceleration goals. These alongside side multi-cloud deployments means further amplifying of challenges that organisations are already facing in their application journey to the cloud.