CPS 2019: NAGRA, LiveTiles to Tackle Watermarking, Security Software

The direct-to-consumer (D2C) market has been a revelation to content owners, allowing them to forgo the middle man and get their intellectual property right in front of the customer.

But along with D2C services comes an increased need to ensure end-to-end security, from production, to distribution, to consumer devices.

That’s what Ken Gerstein, VP of sales for NAGRA, will emphasize at the Dec. 4 Content Protection Summit (CPS) in Los Angeles, during his breakout session “Advances in Direct to Consumer Watermarking to Combat Latest Pirate Attacks.”

With an ever-growing need for anti-collusion measures in any forensic watermarking environment (server-side or client-side), Gerstein will share security techniques and ways to resist collusion, by taking an active approach with counter-measures, via an Advanced Piracy Toolkit. “D2C may need to emulate DCI watermarking by combining both video and audio watermarking measures,” the session description reads. “This session will discuss our main B2C watermarking products STB/OTT Server Side/Quickmark (which are in compliance with latest MovieLabs specifications) and how the latest releases for these products are able to combat attacks by professional pirates.”

Next in the “Software & Watermarking” set of breakout sessions, Rod Bray, innovation and experience lead for LiveTiles, and Steve Marsh, VP of product for Nucleus Cyber, will tag-team on the topic “How to Secure Collaboration from Insider Threats.” The 2019 “Insider Threat Report” revealed that 60% of organizations have experienced an insider attack in the past 12 months, and 70% said insider attacks have become more frequent.

To safeguard sensitive information from outsiders and insiders alike — especially when using collaboration tools such as Office 365 and Microsoft Teams — you must take basic steps to provision and secure your collaboration tools. Bray and Marsh will share four steps you can take to protect your content from insider threats.

“Attendees will see why it is essential that we change to a more dynamic strategy for protecting information from insider threats due to how data is shared within today’s collaborative environments,” Marsh said.

The Content Protection Summit is produced by the Media & Entertainment Services Alliance (MESA) and Content Delivery & Security Association (CDSA), and is presented by SHIFT, with sponsorship by IBM Security, NAGRA, Convergent Risks, LiveTiles, Richey May Technology Solutions, EIDR, the Trusted Partner Network (TPN) and Darktrace.

To register, click here. To activate a CPS sponsorship contact Garrett Randall at [email protected].