
Smart Content Summit Arrives in Europe 5 November

The Smart Content Summit — an annual gathering of the entertainment industry’s top minds in the areas of big data, AI, machine learning, automation and blockchain — is expanding beyond its Los Angeles roots, with the latest edition of the event being held 5th November with a European focus.

Smart Content Summit EU, running 12:30 pm -16:30 pm BST, will be dedicated to the emerging technologies European media and entertainment players need to apply to products, productions and processes to stay ahead in our ever-evolving business.

Smart Content was introduced seven years ago as an overarching concept of how data is integral to all parts of the supply chain, from inception to infinity, and that our future practice of stripping out data and only passing the content itself to the next phase of production or distribution. By making the data integral to the content, and attached to each asset, we develop a data chain and feedback loop for that data to inform and drive future content creation or distribution/monetisation channels, the data becomes more valuable than the content itself.

Making the supply chain smarter, making the most of video services using data gathering and advanced analytics, tapping into the power of AI, data mining and machine learning to uncover customer insights, and using metadata to build the best recommendation engines possible will be among the topics discussed at the event, as attendees treated to both main stage programming and a selection of multi-track breakout sessions.

“It’s an unprecedented approach for an industry who needs to pivot to a data-driven business model,” said Matt Turner, Chair of the Smart Content Council’s Applied Data Working Group. “Seven years ago it was novel. Now it is our industry reality.”

Attendees of the 5th November all-digital event will be treated to a new Live Event Platform presented by the Media & Entertainment Services Alliance (MESA), offering networking breaks that allow for direct messages and one-on-one videos chat, sponsor showcases that will highlight what the top vendors in the industry have to offer, and Q&A for presenters during the entire event.

First debuting as Metadata Madness in 2014 — an event which put M&E’s leading metadata specialists together in the same room — today’s Smart Content Summit focuses on how technology and data are being integrated into content itself; how metadata and identifiers are embedded; how tracking and recognition software are written and coded; and how storage and archives are using new tools to become auto-recognised, logged and classified.

Smart Content Summit EU is produced by MESA, MESA Europe and the Smart Content Council, which meets regularly to share best practices, evaluate emerging technologies and collaborate to accelerate the pace of transformation in our industry.

For updates on the Smart Content Summit EU event and programme, click here.

To activate a Smart Content Summit EU sponsorship contact Evie Silvers at [email protected] or Garrett Finley at [email protected].