
Digital Nirvana to Examine Smart Captioning at 5 Nov. Smart Content Summit EU

At this point, if you’re still doing any caption work manually, you’re doing it wrong.

At the 5th November Smart Content Summit EU, Russell Wise, SVP of captioning solutions firm Digital Nirvana, will share just how much you’re missing out on by not using modern AI and ML solutions readily available in the market.

His breakout session, “Smart Captioning Using AI & ML,” will look at the real-world applications of using AI across the media production, post-production, and distribution workflows, with Digital Nirvana’s Trance product line being especially efficient at delivering greater productivity, shorter turnaround times, and vastly improved speed and accuracy of the captioning process.

“Attendees can expect to gain insight into real-world applications of AI to increase the speed of content creation,” Wise said. “See how leading broadcasters are leveraging new AI-based tools in their media workflows, and learn how you could be achieving productivity gains of 35% (and more), compared to conventional desktop captioning applications and on-premise workflows.”

Smart Content Summit EU is produced by MESA and MESA Europe, in association with CDSA, HITS and the Smart Content Council, which meets regularly to share best practices, evaluate emerging technologies and collaborate to accelerate the pace of transformation in our industry. The summit is sponsored by ATMECS, Cognizant, Deluxe, Digital Nirvana, Éclair, Eluvio, Iyuno Media Group, MediaNext, NAGRA, Premiere Digital, Whip Media Group, AppTek, and EIDR.

For updates on the Smart Content Summit EU event and programme, click here. To register click here.

To activate a Smart Content Summit EU sponsorship contact Evie Silvers at [email protected], Garrett Finley at [email protected] or David Millar at [email protected].