M+E Europe

TransPerfect Offers M&E Metadata Outlook at 5 Nov. Smart Content Summit EU

At the 5th November Smart Content Summit EU, Tim Mapley, director of business development for TransPerfect, will help attendees find ways to further monetise their content, by looking at their metadata in new ways.

His breakout session — “Making the Most of your Metadata” — will highlight how content stakeholders can drive efficiencies in subtitling and dubbing by including all the information that supports it, and that efficiently localised metadata can be essential to delivering engaging content to international audiences.

“With the growing importance of properly localised metadata, TransPerfect has developed ways to ensure you’re making the most of your metadata, leveraging technology tools to reduce the costs and increase the quality of your translations,” Mapley said.

The company’s translations.com portal has developed specific tools to manage the metadata process in a way that’s fast, cost-effective and more far-reaching than ever before, and by leveraging TransPerfect’s tool suite of cloud-based technology solutions, they can help companies ensure key names and phrases are consistent across all of the metadata, and that all of their partners are using the correct terminology for your content.

Smart Content Summit EU is produced by MESA and MESA Europe, in association with CDSA, HITS and the Smart Content Council, which meets regularly to share best practices, evaluate emerging technologies and collaborate to accelerate the pace of transformation in our industry. The summit is sponsored by Apptek, ATMECS, Cognizant, Deluxe, Digital Nirvana, Éclair, Eluvio, EIDR, Iyuno Media Group, NAGRA, Premiere Digital,  TransPerfect, Whip Media Group.

For updates on the Smart Content Summit EU event and programme, click here. To register click here.

To activate a Smart Content Summit EU sponsorship contact Evie Silvers at [email protected], Garrett Finley at [email protected] or David Millar at [email protected].