M+E Connections

MESA Member Webinar Week Ahead: Sept. 18-22

Wasabi offers tips to stop ransomware, Fortinet dives into the world of usage-based licensing, and Richey May invites Los Angeles customers to mingle over whiskey.

Those are just a few of the events from the MESA community the week of Sept. 18-22, according to MESA’s global member e-calendar.

Here’s a look at what’s ahead:


• Wasabi presents “Stop Ransomware in its Tracks: Ironclad M365 Backup with Veeam & Wasabi.” Microsoft 365 delivers powerful collaboration services but lacks comprehensive backup capabilities to secure your data. Moreover, in the last 12 months, 53% of companies have experienced data loss or courruption in their SaaS applications. Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 enables you to thoroughly safeguard Office 365 by storing backups in the cloud, on-premises, or as a managed service. Pairing Veeam with Wasabi hot cloud storage provides the ultimate M365 data protection solution. Wasabi’s cloud storage is highly secure and performant, engineered for rapid data backup and restoration. Keep data out of reach from ransomware attacks with the best of next-gen backup and S3 object storage. Register now to learn how Veeam and Wasabi deliver ironclad security and control over your mission-critical Office 365 data.


• Friends and partners of Richey May are invited to “September Hollywood Happy Hour & Whiskey Tasting.” Please join for a happy hour/whiskey tasting at Forman’s Whiskey Tavern in L.A. to network with friends in the industry. If you have any questions about this event, please reach out to Christian Calson at [email protected].


• “Move at the Speed of Digital Acceleration with Usage-based Licensing” will be hosted by Fortinet. Digital acceleration needs and requirements change over time as organizations adapt their environments and deployments to meet new demands and address emerging challenges along their journeys. Learn key considerations for managing digital acceleration costs, particularly across cloud journeys, and how FortiFlex can deliver flexible, usage-based licensing that enables organizations to achieve their desired outcomes.